Mary and Chad surprised many of us stardollians with the news of their pregnancy a couple weeks ago. These two seemed happy in the public's view but behind locked doors it was everything but. Chad accused Mary of infidelity, and Mary accused him of having a addiction to drugs and being abusive. Mary told People Magazine "Chad and I relationship wasn't healthy and wasn't right for a baby to have to deal with our actions, so I had to get the abortion." Many people would say raise the baby by your self but she is way to busy for that. Adoption was also talked about and she said "Having a baby in my womb for 9 months and then giving it up would have been be hard for me to do."
Now that Chad is out of the picture, for now, Mary has been seen with lots and lots of boys, boys that are in fact younger than her. She reportedly has been spending loads of cash on these boys, taking them shopping for clothing, jewelry, and more.
She can take care of sugar baby but not a baby of her own?
By:Mia Moore
That's old news.
Chad's with me now.
Oh, is he now?
Guess there is another story to write about.
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