The whole of Stardoll were shocked last night, when we witnessed entrepreneur Tylerisbold having a breakdown on live T.V! In last nights weekly interview, hosted by reality star emorox4eva Tyler went on a rampage following a question enquiring about his relationship with Stardoll fashionista Fakeshake3; previously this week Police had to be called to there Stardoll Apartment after an argument resulting in violence and screaming took place.
Tyler replied to the question by crying and announcing that he didn't want to break up with Ellie and consequently stood up on the couch and began jumping up and down chanting
'I need Ellie! I love Ellie! Don't leave me Ellie!' After this mockery Tyler grew increasingly angry and distressed, he weeped and winged and violentley began smashing up the studio! He picked up a stool and other various pieces of furniture and threw it through a window , next he smashed the T.V and destroyed a few pieces of camera equipment. Then he turned on Jenna shouting
'It's all your fault!' Before attempting to spit on her and collapsing to the floor like a child, before the Police detained him.
He is now being kept under house arrest and is being looked after by doctors who recently discovered Cocaine in his bloodstream, evidence for Tyler's outbreak. A doctor taking care of Tyler, who would like to stay anonymous, reports that he shouldn't of been aloud to take part in the interview in the first and was in no state of mind to talk about Ellie. She carries on to say that even if he was mentally able the questions would be pushing him to far.
Ellie has yet to comment on the present situation.